Deepening into the Magdalene Mysteries
Webinar Series
My Gift to you:
Magdalene and the Goddess Crop Circles
For educational use only
Priestess Christy Michaels, M.A. begins with part 1, leading you on an adventure into the mystical Crop Circles that appeared on the Feast Days of Mary Magdalene. These profound circles tell us the stories about her Gospel - the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the rise of the Divine Feminine.
She continues this video on part 2 which has one of the most powerful stories that clearly helps us to understand the rise of the Goddess and how important the equality of the Divine Feminine is with the Divine Masculine.
Credits at the end to the Crop Circle researcher's who allow their images to be used for educational and non-commercial use. Please donate to them so they can continue their work.
Music credit to Christine Tulis songs from her Portal album: Portal and Light beings. To learn more go to Christine’s website, To see other webinar’s of Christy’s go to her website
Art work credit to Daniel Holeman at
Part 1 Magdalene and the Goddess and the Crop Circle
Part 2 Magdalene and the Goddess and the Crop Circle
Gifting Economy: There is a movement to create Sacred Economics which is based on the premise of giving and sharing without fear for the law of giving is that when you give you receive. There are those who of you who have the means to support my work and if you feel guided to do so, I welcome your gifts of support of whatever you wish to gift to me. Suggested costs: Sign up per $20 per webinar or 6 for - $100
via Email payment to
1000 Goddesses on the Washington DC Mall
Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018
Washington DC talk on the Magdalene and the Power of Gathering.
Sunday, Oct. 21 from 2- 5pn
Silver Springs, MD
Deepening into the Magdalene Mysteries
Webinar on Mary Magdalene's Gospel
I often get requests from people who want more details about Mary Magdalene's Gospel so I am offering a Webinar on the Gospel of Mary Magdalene as it is Mirrored in A Course In Miracles. This is a very ancient text that documents new information about her experience with Jesus, but what is even more important is how this can help us today. When I discovered that in both Gospel of Thomas and Mary Magdalene are mirrored in A Course In Miracles it shows the original intent of his teaching...something that Mary Magdalene understood. We think we can get away with evolving and not having to include this powerful Divine Feminine, but she holds a key that is essential.
Current Webinar offering:
6 Webinars on the Gospel of Mary Magdalene As It Is Mirrored in A Course In Miracles.
See descriptions below:
I often get requests from people who want more details about Mary Magdalene's Gospel so I am offering a Webinar on the Gospel of Mary Magdalene as it is Mirrored in A Course In Miracles. This is a very ancient text that documents new information about her experience with Jesus, but what is even more important is how this can help us today. When I discovered that in both Gospel of Thomas and Mary Magdalene are mirrored in A Course In Miracles it shows the original intent of his teaching...something that Mary Magdalene understood. We think we can get away with evolving and not having to include this powerful Divine Feminine, but she holds a key that is essential.
To purchase archived versions that I gift to you.
Love offering donation: Suggested $20 per webinar or 6 - $100
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1st Webinar: Archive version is currently available at youtube channel Magdalene Impact
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​In the 1st Webinar Christy Michaels shares about her journey of discovering the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the magical and mystical experiences that she began to have that helped her to understand what she was reading which lead her to have a direct experience of her own as she went deeper into the teachings. At the same time that she was studying the Gospel of Mary she discovered that in both Gospel of Thomas and Mary Magdalene are mirrored in A Course In Miracles it shows the original intent of his teaching...something that Mary Magdalene understood. We think we can get away with evolving and not having to include this powerful Divine Feminine, but she holds a key that is essential to our knowing the Truth that we are One with God.
2nd Webinar: Archive version is currently available at youtube channel Magdalene Impact
The first 6 missing pages of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene:
This second webinar on the Gospel of Mary Magdalene as it is Mirrored in A Course In Miracles explores some of the mysteries of how Priestess Christy Michaels was lead as if on a detective hunt to discover a much deeper and more complete understanding about the missing pages of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. Even though, throughout the ages tremendous effort was made to suppress the knowledge of who Mary Magdalene really was, this is ultimately impossible to do. The Divine mind of God has all knowledge and is one with us. Magdalene is called the woman who knew the All as she succeeded in connecting to the Divine Mind. In the efforts to suppress the truth of who she was or rather who she is today for us…a fully Awaken, enlighten being. Because the edges of higher consciousness are available to us all, the truth can be revealed in so many ways. See how for Christy she was led to touch the edges of her higher consciousness. She was guided to connect the dots, between amazing synchronistic experiences between her life experiences, visions, guidance from the Holy Spirit that led her to tell a new story. A story of the Awakened Magdalene. True or not is for you alone to determine for we each are guided to our own awakening, perhaps this new emerging myth is here to help awaken you.
3rd Webinar - Archive version is currently available in two parts:
Part 1 Vision of the Six-Station Ritual Walk In Her Footsteps and how it came to be.
Part 2 The Six Station Ritual where hundreds of people walk in Her Footsteps.
We will cover the journey of the living demonstration of Mary Magdalene's awakening and walk with Jesus by sharing with you the living ritual of the Six stations that hundreds of people walk on Easter at the Magdalene Moonrise Service. The Gospel of Mary explains how Magdalene ascended past her egoic self to her higher self where she realized as Jesus had done also , that she was One with God. We will cover the process of the details of her ascension in an upcoming webinar. For this webinar we will show you how, she is the living demonstration. By walking in her footsteps you too can experience your Oneness with God. We do it as a community joined in Love, committed to share our Holy Love. When we do this all feeling of separation vanishes. We are at peace.
4th Webinar - Gospel of Mary Magdalene Meditation for Awakening and the Science in Her Gospel.
Today we will dive for a deeper mystical journey. Experience Magdalene’s meditation. Renaissance artists George La Tor painted a series of three paintings where he was trying to help us understand the steps she took to become awake. When you get to the meditation I suggest you watch it with eyes open as the painting images will speak to your heart and awaken your Christ/Sophia consciousness.
We will explore pg. 7 & 8 in my webinar on the Gospel of Mary. This covers the amazing and deep understanding her Gospel had about quantum physics and that the awareness Jesus had about the smallest particle known to man—the vibrating string, that connects us to everything at these sub-atomic levels.
Because we are connected and we are One with source, we discover that even though the truth about her was suppressed, it is not possible to suppress the True knowledge or Nosis (knowing). As we awaken and as the Gospel of Mary says—develop the eyes to see and the ears to hear, we come to realize Truth with a capital T.
5th Webinar - Scheduled to be released in July date TBA
Mary Magdalene's Ascension. How she did it as detailed in Her Gospel and A Course In Miracles.
6th Webinar - TBA scheduled to be released for July 24
Other topics:
222 Enlighten Partnership
Magdalene Mysteries in the Crop Circles Around the World
led by Christy Michaels, M.A.
Starting back in 2008, crop circles began to form on the Feast day of Mary Magdalene, July 22 that contained teachings from the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. Following on the heels of the release of the Da Vinci Code, these crop circles were attempting to confirm something profound, but what?
Christy Michaels will share the direct connection between the symbol in the crop circles and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene stories. It is as if the crop circle was validating a deeper truth outlined in the Gospel of Mary and Gospel of Thomas.
Joining with Sacred Men who are changing the world one heart at a time. TBA
Christy Michaels will share about how important is the work of including men and honoring men has been in our Magdalene Community in Marin County. Through a transformative ritual, we shift the paradigm of the sword which has been used as a symbol of domination and control to the sword of truth by transferring the sword to the Divine Feminine who then knights the men with the energy of the Sophia (Wisdom of God).
The artists who painted the Awakening of the Magdalene
Christy Michaels will share the meditation painted by George La Tour that outlines the steps to the awakening of Mary Magdalene herself. Her power as a true enlighten leader and the impact she had as told in her Gospel. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene is why we now understand, how the efforts to suppress her, failed. She is the living demonstration of a fully realized Christ/Sophia, higher conscious self.
Normal Costs: Sign up per $20 per webinar or 6 - $100
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Webinar event page
Bio’s of Presenters:
Priestess Christy Michaels, M.A.
Priestess Christy Michaels, M.A. has been involved with New Thought churches since the early 70’s—either as a member of a Science of Mind Church or Unity. Since 2005, she has been an active member of Unity In Marin and a prayer chaplain for 2 years. She received a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Her master’s thesis was on the impact of Eastern Religions on Transformative Psychotherapy.
Christy has been receiving visions that she turns into “living rituals’. She is most famous for her Easter Moonrise Service where she tells the story of Easter through Mary Magdalene’s Eyes with 50 other Priestesses and Priests. Everyone walks in Magdalene’s footsteps in a six-station ritual of the series of events leading up to the Resurrection.
She lives in Marin County and travels teaching and offering seminars on a variety of topics on Divine Feminine and Mary Magdalene. One of her more popular ones is called "Ancient Mystic Women Who Seeded the Ideas of Consciousness Evolution,” and the Goddess and the Crop Circles which will be covered in the webinar.