Gospel of Mary Book Study
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Study her mastery outlined in her Gospel started Dec. 14, 2023 on Thursday for 90+ minute class starting at 6:15 pm PDT. Replays are available if you wish, you can purchase the package of 4 seminars for $100 or a single class $ 35.
1. Discovery of the Gospel of Mary in Egypt with Priestess of the Holy order of Mary Magdalene and Egyptian scholar.
2. Mystery behind the content of the Gospel of Mary; what was suppressed and how A Course In Miracle explains her Gospel.
3. Ascension Map of Magdalene's soul journey
4. Dr. Joe Dispenza and other scientists discover what Mary Magdalene documented in her Gospel.
Testimonials about the first class.
What a wonderful class. I truly appreciate and enjoyed it!
Christina Lisac, , L.Ac., Dipl. O. M., Director
"Many blessings, all beautiful sacred, awakened Women.... the Wayfarers for our New Earth. I very much enjoyed the discussions." - Jackie Margaret
"I have been researching Mary Magdalene myself But I've been following the genetics and genealogy of the Rh- people and it has led me to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. It's real hard to come by good research on her thank you so much I just found your channel I love it already!" - The Ancients

Presented by Priestess
Christy Michaels, M.A.
Christiane Michaels', M.A. is an Ordained Priestess of the Lyceum of Sophia. Christy as everyone calls her is devoted to spreading The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, especially as it is mirrored in A Course In Miracles. She has been a student of A Course In Miracles since the late 1990's. She lectures around the country, teaching from these two texts.
She also offers webinars on the Gospel of Mary and sacred circles based on the the teachings of A Course of Love. www.acourseoflove.com

In this webinar we will cover
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Magdalene Gospel CLASS
In this first class of the series of 4, Priestess Christy Michaels, M.A., a Magdalene Priestess, shares her discovery of the Gospel of Mary connection with Quantum physics research of people like Dr. Joe Dispenza and the Heartmath institute. These are exciting times where we have the ability to connect the dots of the work of modern science and ancient wisdom as found in the Gospel of Mary on the path of enlightenment and the awakening process. Elizabeth Kelley of the Holy Order of Mary Magdalene introduced Christy to the Gospel of Mary as well as ordained her in 2010. Christy was ordained on 10-10-10 into the Lyceum of the Holy Sophia. This is a Lyceum started by Priestess Elizabeth Kelley of the Holy Order of Mary Magdalene.
As Christy who has a masters degree in Clinical Psychology and focused her thesis work of the impact of Eastern Religions on transformative psychotherapy, began to study the research of the HeartMath Institute and Dr. Joe Dispenza's work, she began to hear them speak about what she had learned in the Gospel of Mary. In this class,
Christy takes one of the core teachings of the Gospel of Mary and correlates the teaching to HeartMath Institute and Dr. Joe Dispenza's. work. It appears that Magdalene was a very early demonstration of this work. Taking key passages from her Gospel, she uses the ideas and research that they speak of to illustrate how the Magdalene used these concepts to achieve her elevated status of Apostle to the Apostle.
Titles of Dr. Joe Dispenza clips on YouTube that Christy draws from are:
(1524) Dr. Joe Dispenza - Learn How to Reprogram Your Mind - YouTube (196) Crash Course: Understanding Brain Waves | Dr. JOE DISPENZA - YouTube (1523) How to Become Supernatural | Dr Joe Dispenza - YouTube (1524) Dr. Joe Dispenza How To Feel Elevated Emotions That You Haven't Felt Yet - YouTube (1524) “It Goes Straight To Your Subconscious Mind” - CREATE A NEW REALITY | Dr. Joe Dispenza Meditation - YouTube