Special Guest, Antoinette Rootsdawtah and Pookie Lee and Friends
Hall of Fame, World-renowned keyboardist in the Reggae Industry and in 2019 the United Religions Initiative (URI)-Africa appointed the renowned reggae musicians Pato Banton & Antoinette Rootsdawtah as
Goodwill Ambassadors of the Golden Rule.
Debuting her new single from her upcoming Divine Feminine album called:
“I am Mother Spirit”
2025 Marymas program
3 Day Divine Feminine Summit
Friday, January 31, Saturday, February 1 and Sunday, February 2
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm each day PST
raise awareness of our soverign rights
Have we lost the Equal Rights Amendment for Women? Is this true?
Giving voice because if we don’t who will?
RSVP donation https://Marymas2025.eventbrite.com
Welcome to the Divine Feminine Summit Celebration!
Join us for a virtual gathering of powerful women and supportive men coming together to honor our divine feminine energy and
stand up for our rights.
We are speaking up rather than continuing to watch women's rights erode.
We are raising consciousness for the highest level of respect and sovereignty of that which is Divine in feminine form.
This online event will feature inspiring speakers, empowering workshops, and a supportive community of like-minded individuals.
Let's unite in solidarity to protect and defend our sovereignty.
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity
connect, learn, and grow with us!
When we connect, we give - 10% of donations will be paid directly to
Fire Victims via GoFundme
Presenters: Starting January, 31
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm PST
Priestess Christy Michaels:
Women are the majority, but we still lack ERA (equal rights for women) Why?
What can we do about it? Why does it matter?
Bio: https://www.gospelofmarymagdalene.info/about-founder
Singer Pookie Lee – Wake up, we need Sista Harmony
Priestess Diana Kelly and Author Dan Morse –
How to Heal? How to be in Harmony within so much adversity?
Bio: https://www.inlightofsophia.com/
Author, Priestess Claire Sierra:
What would Magdalene do? (channeling)
Bio: https://magdalenepath.com/claire-sierra/
Saturday, Feb. 1st
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm PST
Priestess Christy Michaels on our theme: Why celebrate Her?
Astrologer Michelle Dench
What is happening with the Goddess planets this year?
Priestess Michele Newman and Priest Eliyahu Goodman –
Deepening Our Connections of Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine
Within our Hearts & Souls
Living in Harmony & Balance with our Mother Gaia
Bios: Michele - https://www.highvibelife.io/ Eliyahu@EliahuGoodman.com
Author, Mindful teacher - Andrea Lieberstein –
Reflection on being mindful of the Divine Feminine:
She brings in different tools with her nurturing compassion/
Closing chant - to heal anger we sing.
Sunday, Feb. 2
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm PST
Priestess Christy Michaels:
Reflections on ending separation, bringing in Oneness;
what does that even mean?
Hallelujah Anasuya
The impact of Holy power; Her Holy power is a real power.
Antoinette Rootsdawtah, singer
Song: Divine Mother’s Love
Building a culture of Ubuntu to America
Sound Healer Jan Jorgensen,
Be the Light …in this 3D world as a sovereign Queen.
Bio: https://www.soundandlighthealingarts.com/about-jan/
Closing panel on the deeper conversation.
What solutions want to be borne? Everyone who wants to share
We’ll be enchanted by the music and wisdom of our special guest, Antoinette Rootsdawtah and Indigenous friends: Elisi Joan Henry, Pookie Lee, as well as Astrologer Michelle Dench and many more.
We’ll experience the Divine Feminine through messages from:
We’ll be guided into action with more surprises!
Join us in starting this new year off by honoring the Divine Feminine in us, with us and for us!

Astrologer Karen La Puma, explains what a powerful message for women is present in this chart for this day and time.

Ilumina Dancers - Director Priestess Ilona Marshall
Ilumina Dancers - (Left to right) Andrea La Canela, Priestesses: Celestine Star,
Karen La Puma, and
Elizabeth Kelley of the Holy Order of Mary Magdalene www.mmagdalene.org
Priestess Ilona Marshall (center)

Here is the zoom link.
Christy Michaels is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Celebrating the Birth and Rise of the Divine Feminine.
Time: 1:11pm PT
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 7558 6033
Passcode: love
(see connection by phone details below)
If you have problems with the zoom web link, try manually typing in the meeting ID and passcode or text me 415-879-0155 if you have trouble because of the storm..
I just found out a 1,000 year storm is slamming the West Coast of California early Wednesday morning and is believed to be dropping a year's worth of rain in one hour. We are hoping that the storm will have weakened by noon but there could be power outages for some. I am alerting everyone attending that if the power goes out we will reschedule. If we as presenter's are all able to log on, we will be recording the Celebration and I will send the replay out.
Thank you for your support to raise the Divine Feminine.
Phone connection to zoom
One tap mobile
+14086380968,,82175586033#,,,,*858551# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,82175586033#,,,,*858551# US
Dial by your location
• +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
• +1 719 359 4580 US
• +1 253 205 0468 US
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 360 209 5623 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 821 7558 6033
Passcode: 858551
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kBMXOKyVK
Presenters in 2023:
First row -Nina Grae, Priestess Christy Michaels, Scott Catamas, Debra Giusti,
2nd row - Donny and Heather Regal, ​.Brooke Medicine Eagle (TBD), Darren Starwynn,
Gailya Magdalena,
3rd row - Karen La Puma, Aimée Lyndon-Adams, Dan Craig-Morse, Momo Cortez and
Denise Ruelas on piano

The REPLAY Is Here for 2022